Founded in 2007 by former college and professional volleyball player Sandra Brunke (see biography), VolleyUSA exclusively specializes in the recruitment of international volleyball players on a very personal basis.

Please visit our Available Players page to see all player profiles including video material.

Recruiting Strategy FAQ

VolleyUSA has represented players from all over Europe, Australia and New Zealand. So far we have placed players from 36 different countries.


VolleyUSA has successfully placed over 450 volleyball players at over 300 schools in 47 states.

In order to maintain a standard of high-quality athletes as well as making sure that all students comply with the NCAA/NAIA rules and bylaws, VolleyUSA screens all players very carefully in regard to their athletic and academic ability and background, their personal goals and beliefs and their attitude towards hard work, discipline and team spirit.

This is reached by attending major international youth tournaments, examining video analysis/statistics, taking a look at possible contracts with specific clubs, checking grades/transcripts and, most importantly, taking time to speak in person with players, parents and coaches.

VolleyUSA visits different schools in the US/Canada on a regular basis and also attends the yearly AVCA Coaches conference to represent players and maintain relationships with American/Canadian coaches.


Recruiting Service FAQ

Once you click on the link “Available Players” in the menu bar, you’ll see an overview of all available athletes, including their position, height, year of graduation and year they’re available as well as what league they’re looking to play in.
To see the entire profile of a specific player, just click on the name of the player and scroll down to see all relevant information and video material.


Once you are interested in a specific player, feel free to contact them directly by clicking on the “Message Player Now” button, located on the top and bottom of each profile. VolleyUSA will receive an automatic copy of the initial request. Please kindly CC VolleyUSA in future communications so we can remain informed and assist as needed.

VolleyUSA always endeavors to provide up-to-date video material as soon as possible. If a video of a certain athlete isn’t on the player profile yet, it’s in process and will be up ASAP. Feel free to let VolleyUSA know if you’d like to be notified once a new video is up.

Also, sometimes video materials are unable to be viewed via mobile phones. Please kindly check for clips through your desktop or laptop/tablet as well.


VolleyUSA tries to include all important, known information on the player profile. In addition, you can find a personal feedback statement about each player on the bottom of the profile. If there’s any additional information that you’re missing on the player profile, please kindly email Sandra@volleyusa.com to ask for the specific information you’re looking for.

Yes, most of the time it’s possible and VolleyUSA is more than happy to assist. However, some European coaches have become more sensitive over the visits of North American coaches as many high caliber players have left the country. Therefore, a recruiting visit should be planned carefully.

Players are advised to respond to coaches’ requests/emails within 2 or 3 days, or as soon as possible. Sometimes players are in the middle of exams or on the road with their teams, so please kindly be patient or let VolleyUSA know about your communication so we can remind the player.

You don’t have to re-register. Please edit your position/school in your profile settings.

Please kindly go to our “Forgot Password” page. Just type your e-mail address or username to reset your password and follow the instructions.

Sometimes emails get stuck in the spam filter. Just let VolleyUSA know and we are more than happy to forward your login ASAP.

This recruiting service is completely free for you as a coach. In order to comply with the NCAA bylaw, players pay us a flat rate for the recruiting service, which isn’t based upon placement.

Please feel free to contact VolleyUSA for more questions:
sandra@volleyusa.com / skype “volleyusa”.