Athletic Requirements

Athletic requirements for a Volleyball Scholarship in the USA or Canada

Female Players (Indoor)

Many players may think they’re not good enough for a scholarship. Truth is, however, there are more than 900 colleges that provide scholarship opportunities in various college leagues and athletic levels, so chances are better than you think.

If you have experience in any of the top 5 leagues in your country, you will have a good shot at qualifying for a volleyball scholarship.

Certainly height and athleticism are also important and top level schools in top locations require top level players that apply far in advance and deliver top level test results.

Unfortunately there are very limited chances for libero players.

Female Players (Beach Volleyball)

Beach volleyball has finally become an official NCAA sport and is growing and developing every year.

If you have competitive experience in beach volleyball, you may be able to combine an indoor scholarship with beach volleyball; however, for a beach volleyball scholarship “only” you need to prove international success on a high level since full scholarships solely for beach volleyball are still rare.

Male Players (Indoor)

Unfortunately there are only a few schools offering men’s volleyball, providing partial scholarships.

Competition is tough and only top level athletes (ideally national team players) will qualify.

Male players should consider studying and playing in the U-Sports league to broaden opportunities.

Male Players (Beach Volleyball)

Unfortunately beach volleyball is not offered for male players yet.


Check your chances for a college volleyball scholarship.

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