Alexandra Bura
Los Angeles, California
I decided to go to America a year before I finished school in Germany. I knew I wanted change and America seemed like a good idea to experience new things.
So in August 2012 I flew to Los Angeles excited to meet my new teammates and to see my new home and honestly I fell in love right from the beginning. Although the first weeks where tough due to double days (and for sure you’ll be a little homesick but that’s normal but you’ll get over it after a week or so I promise), my teammates took me to every place I needed to see. And of course my favorite place was the beach.
To go to College in America means to be a part of a big Athletic Family, you will find amazing friends not just in your team but also in other teams and they will help you with every problem you have (also your weekend schedule is always set ‘cause there won’t be a day without a game/meeting to go to on campus). The parents of my friends basically adopted me, I was their new favorite kid, I always had multiple invites when holidays came up (or Superbowl Sunday but that’s kind of a holiday) and when my roommates called their parents to bring them something they always asked me if I needed anything too.
All in all I can say America was the best experience in my life so far. I met people who are now my best friends and, of course, who doesn’t love to live in a place with the beach right on your doorstep and the sun shining basically every day of the year (seriously in 1,5 years I lived in LA there were two days of rain, as far as I remember).
Honestly I’m a horrible writer and I’m far away that this text describes my amazing time overseas so you should better look at my pictures they will tell you more than words can do.
Last but not least I can say: LA is always a good idea! 😉